The UK was the first country to approve the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for widespread use in the country, with a 90 year old grandmother being the first to receive the vaccination outside of a trial.
The phase 3 clinical trial data showed that the vaccine was more than 90 percent effective, and that BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of colour) communities had higher rates of COVID-19 infection as compared to white, non-Hispanic communities.
The vaccine contains viral mRNA which codes for the spike glycoproteins found on the outer surface of the virus. The human cell reads the mRNA and translates the proteins and no other part of the virus. The presence of the glycoproteins triggers an immune response where the body produces antibodies to remove the viral glycoproteins. This will allow the body to fight infections from COVID-19 in the future.
However, there are also several issues with the vaccine. The most pressing is the storage of the vaccine. The drug has to be stored at -80 degrees celsius, which is rare in pharmacies and doctors offices.
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